Wednesday 20 August, 2008

How To Make Your Own Dream Board

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus your attention on is what you will bring into your life. Being able to see with your own eyes, every day, the things that you desire to attract helps you bring them into manifestation. Purchase a poster board that you can hang in an area where you will see it every day. Put it over your bed, so you see it when you wake up. Put it inside your bathroom cabinet. Put it on your dresser. Put it in front of your computer. You are impressing your subconscious mind with the things that you desire to attract. Color has a greater effect on your subconscious mind than does black and white. So use color to your advantage. The science of color suggests using the color that has meaning for you or is related to what you’re thinking of. For example, for financial goals, green or gold is appropriate. Violet or White for spiritual goals. Blue for wanting to write your book or school or intellectual pursuits. Orange or bright yellow for health. Pink or rose for love, relationships and happiness & harmony. Your Own Magic Wanda loves color, so impress her with bright colors. Put anything on your Dream Board that will help you see your vision. The purpose is to be able to see at a glance what you desire to attract. Focusing on your vision and your dreams is what brings them to you. As you look through magazines, pull out a page that has a picture of something you desire to be or have. Buy a Success or Money magazine and you’ll find pictures of coins and stacks of bills. If you want a new home, get a real estate magazine or a home decorator magazine. If it’s a new car that you want, go to the dealership that sells the make of the car you want and ask the salesman to take a picture of you standing beside your dream car. If losing weight is your goal, find some sexy bodies and put your face on the body. How about travel? The travel agency will have great pictures of far away places or cruise pictures. You’ll find paradise in one of them. You may want to create a poster for each area of your life rather than put everything on one board. If you make your board cluttered, it will transfer into your life—you don’t want a cluttered and chaotic life. Some areas of your life you might want to create some goals--- Material things Financial Family Spiritual Health Relationships Travel Business Personal Development Take a moment every single day to glance at your Dream Board, and focus on your desires, and know that they are on their way to you. Clear out your limiting beliefs and old behaviors so that the thoughts and energy you send out match the energy of what it is you want to attract. Releasing old limiting beliefs that block what you desire is not always easy to do, because you may be able to see someone else’s excuses, but not your own. This report will help you. See this report on Releasing. Realize that not everything will materialize immediately. Sometimes it takes time to get every player in position. Sometimes it is your own beliefs that are causing the delay. There is a built-in delay factor in the Law of Attraction. The purpose is to protect us from ourselves. We could easily destroy ourselves with negative words and thoughts. So be patient. Don’t lose faith. Know the Law is always working, and your discouragement can push what is forming away from you. Trust in Your Own Magic Wanda and know that what you desire or something better, is on its way to you. One other hint is to condense some of your desires and write them on a small card that you can keep in your wallet, so each time you open it you can think about your goals. By keeping your attention and your emotions on what you truly desire, your energy that is sent out attracts the energy of what you desire, and it becomes your reality. Many blessings to you, Note: Thaks to Mareen Robinson

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